Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Group Challenge time!!I'm flying by the seat of my pants on this one :)
As tomorrow officially begins the Lenten season, many of my coworkers are indulging themselves today with all the things they will swear off for the next 40 days. So that got me thinking ... why not a 40-day challenge? This will be a little bit harder than last month's Fridge Photo challenge, but I think it's a pretty good challenge!
I'm not Catholic, but observed my first Lent last year to mixed reviews. More about that in my personal blog later ... but my challenge to you is this ... what one bad habit are you willing to swear off for the next 40 days (with hopes of it becoming a "good" habit and continuing on after Day 40)?
Yes, I know that this group challenge will carry into March (but that just means you gotta stick around for March's monthly challenge, hehehe!). You can either leave a comment, post here, or on your own blog with your Group Challenge. Just be sure to let us know what you're giving up, so we can cheer you on!
Labels: Admin, February Challenge, Group Challenge, Michelle
Posted by Michelle @ The 2007 Challenge ::
3:05 PM ::