12 Months of Health, Fitness & Fun

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

It's July!!!

I hope everyone is feeling good with half the year behind us!!! I know I am. I think things are looking up for me. Especially with my mindset. I think I might actually be getting myself to the right place mentally and emotionally on this weight loss thing!

My goals for July are as Follows:
-7500+ steps on weekdays
-At least a 1 mile walk on Saturday and Sunday
-Follow my doctor's 30 minute rule when sitting at a computer or reading.

It think that's fairly easy, AND it follows in with my fitness walking class. We will be walking a minimum 1 mile two days a week. (That's over 2000 steps for me!) I'm going to try getting out every evening for at least a 1 mile, but if it doesn't work out during the week, at least I have my step goal in. That gets me at least 4 half-mile walks just going between work and home! Something is much better than nothing. And I'll fit other stuff in as I can.

I know some people have been asking about what we are doing this month since no one has heard from Michelle in a while. Well, I've just e-mailed her and am waiting for a response. I figure we can just set our goals and keep going until we hear something from her. My prayers are with her and her family just in case something has happened. Although, I REALLY hope that she has just been busy!

Y'all keep up the fantastic work this month and let's get further than we have before (although I know that several people are busy with houses and stuff!).

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